Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

How to evaluate your website keyword and site competitor

The goal is to get in first pages of search engine result pages base on our keyword phrase. It needs takes time to evaluate and determine your keyword. And once you come up with your keyword list.You may start to check and evaluate your website competitor base on keyword that you choose.

Say your site topic about website then you have keyword like these : website,build website,website builder etc.You can try google adwords data to give you an idea.

And now try to look your site competitor via search engine.We can use a major search engine such as google,yahoo and MSN to find them.
Then enter the keyword on each search engines and then they will give you a current number website data that have similar keyword with you.

Example :

You put keyword “website “on google search engine then google will give you a specific data how many website that have similar phrase with you.
And then take look websites that appear on first page (on the top ten) of search engine result pages.You need to evaluate them one by one. Collect all data about PageRank of each website in the search results and How much number of links to these sites.

With this way you can estimate how difficult it will be to get your site near the top of the list for this particular keyword and allow you to predict your site a chances of getting your site to the top of the list for a particular keyword phrase.

And now you can select which particular keyword phrase that have low or acceptable competition rate which you can use to promote and optimize your site.

I know it is need takes time to get listed at first page search engines.But remember seems we can choose our arena and rival that may we can beat it.

Wish you a best luck

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