Selasa, 11 November 2008

How to attract search engine while your brain stuck

One of my strategies that I use to attract search engine to spider my pages on a more frequent basis is to write, post and publish content often. In order to maintain current visitor and also may to increase traffic. It will better if I could make it in a regular basis say everyday. So that the major search engines will know that my blog has fresh content everyday.

But sometimes it is hard to maintain to write attractive everyday. Often I could not write anything and no idea to write content. It depends with Mood, feeling condition and brain.Hey I am just a human being not a robot.And I think it is normal you get your brain stuck and need exhausted for a moment.

With this intermittent condition. What I should suppose to do? How I can fill this blog with content while there’s no idea to write?
Well I could do to take a rest.Going to bed to sleep or just go outside and hang out with my friend.

But if you insist to your self here some idea that may you can consider:

Visit other blog that have same topic and interest with you.You can find them by using google and yahoo search engine or the best place is via technorati dot COM. There’s a search tool that you can use to find their blog easily.

Once you visit their blog,you will see what others bloggers to say and comment about what’s new and what’s hot in your field of discussion.Yo can collect more info on your subject and you can also comment and review on what others have to say on your own blog.

Beside visit other blogger site you may try to join a forum that discuss about stuff that you interest in and related with your blog topic.You can make a conversation with other or you can make question and need answer from them.

With visit to other bloggers and to join forum you will get a fresh idea write for your blog.Another direct benefit that you can get is you make inbound link once you make comment on others blogger and your forum signature.That will help your site traffic to get more traffic.

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