Jumat, 26 September 2008

Search engine backbone

Now you have a website, with good looking layout design and very interesting niche content. But you can not make money since there are no bodies that visit it.
What’s the problem?

Sure it is need a takes time, knowledge, money, energy etc to make your website running on the track you want. In order to attract people, you must offer attractive information .However the most difficult part is getting traffic. Traffic is the backbone of your website. And this tends to be extremely difficult especially if you don't know what you are doing.

However, to get traffic onto your site, you have to think backwards. Where do people look when they need information? Yes, they search using search engines like www.google.com, www.yahoo.com and www.msn.com, to name a few more popular ones. So, to get these people on your website.your site needs to rank high on search result pages of these search engines. When these people search for information through the search engines and see your site among the top results, they will naturally click through to your website!

We all know that you want to be listed in search engines, and have the highest possible rank in search engines for not only a specific keyword, but for thousands of keywords. Ok now try to determine the keywords that you want to optimize your site for.

The most obvious one is the number of links to your site. It will better if the links to your site come from other website that relevant with your site. And It will more better if the links to your site come from other website that have high page rank rather than your site It will help direct targeted visitors who are interested in your niche to your site, enable search engines to find and index your site and your site rank higher in search engine results position.

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